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Breakthrough in Wireless Communications: Precise Indoor Location Tracking for People and Objects

A groundbreaking advancement in wireless communications technology holds the promise of revolutionizing indoor navigation and safety. This new development can precisely pinpoint the locations of people and objects indoors, opening up a wide array of applications that can significantly enhance public safety and accessibility.

By Marena | on 18.07.2024 at 10:00 GMT+0200.

Breakthrough in Wireless Communications: Precise Indoor Location Tracking for People and Objects

Engineers from the University of Glasgow, along with collaborators from the U.K. and Australia, have achieved a breakthrough in wireless communications. Their research focuses on improving Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS), which can precisely locate people and objects indoors.

This advancement could revolutionize various applications, including aiding emergency services in locating individuals in smoke-filled buildings and assisting visually impaired individuals with navigation in public spaces.

How does RIS work?

In a new paper published in the journal Communications Engineering, the research team details their collaborative efforts to enhance the performance of an emerging wireless communication technology known as Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS).

RIS consists of flat surfaces embedded with programmable elements that can manipulate electromagnetic waves, such as the high-frequency signals used in wireless communications. These sheets can be placed on walls and ceilings indoors to intercept wireless signals from outside sources.

Credit: University of Glasgow

The RIS technology works by intelligently reflecting, redirecting, and focusing these signals as needed to improve performance. This allows for better signal strength and coverage within indoor spaces. As RIS technology advances and gets integrated into existing 5G and future 6G communication networks, it promises to address longstanding issues with the performance of traditional positioning technologies like GPS, particularly in indoor environments.

A Lifesaver for Emergencies and for the Visually Impaired

This new technology will enhance emergency responses, assisting in quicker and more efficient interventions during crises. Additionally, it will provide invaluable support to the visually impaired community, offering enhanced navigation and independence in public settings. Furthermore, it will revolutionize public spaces, ensuring accessibility for all individuals.

Let’s go over in more detail the possibilities that this technology brings…

Enhancing Emergency Response

One of the most critical applications of this technology is in emergency situations. In the event of a fire, where smoke-filled buildings pose a significant challenge to rescuers, this advanced wireless communication system can help emergency services quickly locate and rescue people trapped inside. The ability to accurately identify the position of individuals in distress can save precious time and lives, making emergency responses more efficient and effective.

Assisting the Visually Impaired

Beyond emergency scenarios, this technology offers profound benefits for the visually impaired. Device-assisted navigation systems, powered by precise indoor location tracking, can provide blind and partially-sighted individuals with enhanced guidance through public spaces. These systems can deliver real-time, accurate directions, helping users navigate complex environments such as airports, shopping malls, and office buildings with greater independence and confidence.

Transforming Public Spaces

The implementation of precise indoor location tracking can transform public spaces into more accessible and safer environments. By integrating this technology into various public infrastructures, we can create inclusive spaces that cater to the needs of all individuals, enhancing the overall quality of life and ensuring that everyone can navigate their surroundings safely and efficiently.

This exciting advancement in wireless communications marks a significant step forward in both public safety and accessibility. From aiding emergency responders to empowering the visually impaired, the potential applications of this technology are vast and impactful, promising a safer and more inclusive future.


Allsides, Techxplore, University of Glasgow,

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